Tymira Davis
Dancers perform "Carefree."
The annual dance showcase was held on May 21. The showcase itself was called “Emotions”, because each dance that was performed was trying to express a different emotion.
There were a total of 25 dances: Carefree, Confident, Homesick, Emotions, Defiant, Insecure, Angry, Determined, Betrayed, Hopeful, Joyful, Inspired, Hurt, Playful, Optimistic, Nostalgic, Energetic, Fun, Persuasive, Euphoric, Smitten, Wild, Regretful, Sassy, and Loving.
The opening dance “Carefree,” a jazz/tap number choreographed by senior Kelsey Ward, featured Maggie Adams, Ani Boghssian-James, Kayla Buratowski, Hannah Chenault, Katie Constantine, Allyson Duda, Kyla Dungan, Cassidee Grunwald, Samantha Iorio, Riley Johnston, Taylor Mitcham, Solana Rios, Uriah Roman, Kelly Stouffer, Vicky Suggs, Isabelle Thomas, and Kelsey Ward.
Many people said their favorite dance was “Wild,” a hip-hop style dance choreographed by Uriah Roman. It was performed by Ani Boghssian-James, Samantha Iorio, Riley Johnston, Taylor Mitcham, Solana Rios, and Uriah Roman.
Sophomore dancer Ally Duda said “Wild” was most favorite for the dancers. They made the dance look fun and like they were truly enjoying performing it.
Another popular dance was titled “Hurt.” It was a modern style dance choreographed by Samantha Iorio.
Maggie Adams preferred “Smitten,” a jazz style dance choreographed by Ally Duda.
“During the practices, the dances were not coming together, making everyone even more nervous about the showcase. After the showcase, everyone came together and discussed about how everything ended up being a lot better the we though it would,” said Adams.
Every student who performed in the showcase started practicing 3 to 4 weeks after the beginning of the second semester.
Class of 2021 member Riley Johnston found it difficult to learn all the dances because of her knee injury.
“It was hard to learn everything in the dances from sitting out. On the day of the showcase, I had to learn some new dances, too. It felt really good to get everything right after having to sit out for a long period of time. Getting it right is a great feeling,” said Johnston.