Attention Drama Club members: all completed Yankee candle fundraising packets are due back to Mrs. Smithhisler no later than this Friday, October 12th. Bring all materials back sooner rather than later
Tomorrow morning, seniors should report to the auditorium to start the day. Seniors in a Dual Enrollment course should report to class as usual on Wednesday first period, all others should be in the auditorium by 7:30 AM.
Today in Hispanic heritage month we recognize Marco Rubio, who was an American politician, attorney, and junior Senator of Florida since 2011. He was a serious contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election.
Any Juniors or seniors who would like to speak with a college representative should view Naviance, look at the visiting colleges and sign up to speak with a College Representative. Visit Student Services and speak with Ms. Failor if you need assistance.
Boys’ Basketball open gym will start this Friday, October 12th. Open gym will be held in the auxiliary gym from 2:30-3:30. Please see Coach O’Connor with any questions.