If you submitted a piece into the art show, this is your last chance to pick up your artwork. Please see your teacher or Ms Geisser to get your artwork
Do you have an interest in sports broadcasting? Next fall we start broadcasting many sporting and other live events through NFHS. We need people interested in being play-by-play announcers, interviewers as well as equipment operators. For more information please see Mr. Greene in room C105.
Linganore High School presents The James Miltenberger Jazz Ensemble featuring Mr. Lloyd on drums and percussion on Monday, June 4 at 7:00 pm in the Linganore High School Theater. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Visit the link below to buy tickets in advance. Tickets are also available at the box office the night of the show.
The Green Valley ES carnival was rescheduled due to the weather. They are in need of help for set up on Friday, June 1st, and running the games and clean up on June 2nd. If interested, call Mrs. Schaub at Green Valley Elementary school, or visit the link below to find out more information. Sign up for a time slot to help out and earn community service hours!
Any girl interested in playing JV or Varsity girls basketball next year needs to report to the gym on Friday June 1st during PREP. Any questions see Coach Easterday.
Congratulations to Sam Downs and Jake Fernece for 1st team all CMC Spires Baseball and Jake Santis 2nd team all CMC Spires. Good job!
The Linganore Drama department is hosting a field trip to Disney World this November. All drama and dance students interested and signed up outside room D101 you must attend a mandatory Parent Informational Meeting tonight the band room at 7 PM in order to go on the trip.