The Advanced Theatre Production’s show The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet takes place tonight in the auditorium. The time has been changed from 7 PM to 6PM. Tickets are $5 for adults and $2 for students. Don’t miss this hilarious show!
Prom in Saturday, May 12 at the Clarion Event Center in Frederick. The prom starts at 7:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm. The crowning of king and queen will take place at 8:45 and prom favors will be given to you as you leave starting at 9 pm. Remember if your guest is not a Linganore student, they must bring a photo ID.
Attention Seniors, Chromebooks will be collected during PREP starting next Wednesday. Please have your Chromebook, charger and case ready to turn in on the 16th. If you’d like to turn it in earlier, you may do so at any time in the Learning Commons.
Do you need a few more community hours? If so, here is a great opportunity! Green Valley Elementary School is having their annual School Carnival on Saturday May 19th. Help is needed to set-up, run the games, and clean up after the fun is over. You can volunteer May 18th and 19th. To sign up for a volunteer spot please contact Dawn Kling at the link below.
The Linganore High School Color Guard will hold an open house tonight from 5:30-7:30. If you are interested in music and dance, love to perform, and would like the opportunity to travel with the band and winter guard to places like Hershey Park, New York and Walt Disney World, we invite you to come out tonight and give color guard a try. No experience is necessary. See Mr. Lloyd with questions or for more information
Seniors are reminded to register for Safe & Sane as soon as possible. The cost to register goes up to 50 dollars on May 13th. If you need a new application form, visit the link below.
Harry Potter Alliance is hosting their annual quidditch tournament on May 21st after school. Co-ed teams of 7 will be competing. Go to the learning commons for more information.
Today at 3:30 players from the Linganore tennis teams will compete in an all-county tournament at Baker park. The tournament will continue tomorrow. Good luck Lancers!
Boys and Girls Varsity Outdoor Track and Field competed yesterday. Congratulations to Michael Belmaggio and Carter Holsinger for their wins as county champions.