Any student interested in playing for the Boys Varsity Tennis team should attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, December 19th in Coach Sunkel’s Room A139 at 2:20 p.m.
Attention anyone wanting to try out for softball in the spring. There will be a meeting during PREP on Tuesday 12/18 in the main gym. Please make your best effort to attend the meeting but if you are unable to attend see Coach Poffinberger or Coach Baker for information.
Have you explored the possibility of attending the Career & Technology Center? Don’t delay find out now if CTC is a match for you? They have over 20 programs available. Stop by Student Services for a brochure or check out their programs at Then, complete a Shadowing Application and attend CTC to observe students and class activities of your interested program. See Ms. Failor for further information.
Class of 2021 Class Rings will be distributed on the 21st of December through all lunch shifts to deliver to those who placed their orders.
Members of the Science National Honor Society are reminded that this Friday, December 21st the club picture for the yearbook will be taken during Prep. Members will also pick up their membership certificates.
Congratulations to the boys’ varsity basketball team, and our leading scorer Sean Lang, for winning their game against North Hagerstown with a final score of 61-53
Another congratulation to the girls’ varsity basketball team for winning their game 65-38 against North Hagerstown. Both teams will be playing tomorrow against Oakdale, boys at Oakdale and girls at home.
Let’s see how they celebrate the holiday season in Greece for the 12 days of Christmas
Instead of Christmas trees, a more common seasonal decoration in Greece is a boat decorated with lights. This comes from the Greek that Saint Nicholas was once the protector of sailors.
Make sure to wear your bells and bows tomorrow for spirit week