Sofia Schuller, Morgan Harris and Olivia Hubble paint imitations of French art.
French Week, a national event created by the American Association of Teachers of French, lasted from Monday, November 12, to Friday, November 17. The purpose of the event is to promote the study of French with French-related activities for honor society members and for the entire school population.
The society plans one French related activity per day. On Monday, members enjoyed croissants before school. On Tuesday, members painted replicas of French Art. The best painting won the painter a Dunkin Donuts gift card. Sarah Hall won with her original painting.
“I used the inspiration from real French artists that Madame Blonder gave us as a basis for my painting. I thought that it was really cool that my peers liked my painting and that it was recognized.” said Hall.

On Wednesday, members wrote notes of compliments in French to give to their friends and teachers.
On Thursday, they dressed in French related clothes. The week culminated on Friday with the tri-honor society picnic with the French, German, and Spanish Honor societies. At the picnic, each honor society brings different foods from the areas of the world where their languages are spoken. Past foods that have been a hit at the picnic are macaroons from the French Honor Society, tamales from Spanish Honor Society, and bratwurst from German Honor Society.
During French Week, a banner with the French Flag is hung in main street. It has been signed by every senior member of FHS since 2012.
French week is one of the most popular FHS events. Schuller says her favorite day is the picnic, Harris says her’s is the painting, and Hubble says she likes any day where she can get food.
The Linganore chapter of La Société Honoraire de Français, the French Honor Society, is in charge of creating school specific French activities for French Week. The society is run by adviser Dragana Blonder and student officers. The officers are:
President- Sofia Schuller
Vice president- Olivia Hubble
Secretary-Morgan Harris
Treasurer-Tommy Moyer
Junior officer-Rachel Morin
To be eligible for acceptance into FHS, students must earn an A or B in French 3, and maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA. This year, they have 25 members. FHS does not induct its members until the end of the year. This year, the induction is May 16 at 6:30.
Anyone interested in joining French Honor Society should talk to Madame Blonder in room C229.