Thank you to all the students who participated in various ways in the Making Strides Breast Cancer Awareness Walk yesterday especially Key Club and National Art Society members. Great job Lancers Against Cancer!
The kids helping kids fundraiser starts today, here’s a short video explaining more
The challenge begins today. We are in competition against Oakdale to collect the most. let’s do our best to beat them while helping kids in need at the same time.
The Drama club will be hosting a field trip to New York City on Saturday April 7th. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday October 17th. Sign up sheets are outside room D101. Please see Mrs.Smithhisler with any questions.
If you want to ride a friend’s bus you must present the bus driver with a bus pass from the front office. To receive a bus pass, both you and your friend each need to provide a note signed by a parent or guardian. Notes should be dropped off in the front office before 7:30 and should be picked up before or after your lunch shift.
Adriana D’Amore is running a blanket drive to help kids at the children’s hospital, Here’s a short video explaining more
Sophomores interested in any of the programs at the Career Tech Center, there will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, October 24th, in the auditorium. If interested, please sign up in the Student Services Office by Thursday, October 19th.
The Dance Club is hosting a benefit dance recital on November 28th and proceeds to got to Lily Weaver and her family. Auditions for the recital will be held on Monday October 23rd in the theatre. If you are interested in auditioning, sign up outside room D101. See Mrs. Smithhisler with any questions.
The SGA is hosting a Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Thursday October 19th. Sign up during lunch or see Mr.Brown in room C101 for more information
Linganore beat Kennedy 48-0, With Joey Felton scoring 2 touchdowns and Jake Zudal scoring 1, good job Lancers
The field hockey team will be having a Jersey Mike’s Fundraiser October 17th-19th at the the Frederick and Mt. Airy locations. Come between 10am and 9pm any day with a copy or photo of the flyer that are outside of Ms. Bakers room B123.
The girls varsity soccer team is having a winter clothes drive during their senior night tomorrow. They will be collecting new or lightly used hats, gloves, scarves, socks, coats, pajamas to help out Frederick County families. The drive starts at 5:30 at the stadium.