Attention students enrolled in AP Literature and AP Composition for the upcoming 2017/2018 school year: Please stop by Mrs. Newcomb’s room C222 to pick up helpful information about the course before you leave for summer break.
Extra yearbooks are still on sale in room A206. The price is $80 cash or a check made payable to LHS.
Students with Chromebooks should bring Chromebooks, chargers and cases ready to return. Collection will occur during select classes and PREP. Any student wanting to return a Chromebook may do so anytime this week.
Attention band students: As a reminder, the marching band intention forms, band information forms, and Disney trip intention forms are due today. Also, please return concert uniforms, warm-up books, and school instruments to Mr. Lloyd, to avoid being placed on the Obligations List at the end of the school year.
Attention all those interested in participating in the 2017 Fall Boys’ Cross Country team: There will be an informational meeting next Wednesday, June 7th, at 2:30 pm in room C224. Please see Coach Wright with any questions.
The Linganore Lancer Girls’ Basketball team will be running a summer camp. It will run from Monday, June 19th through Thursday 22nd, from 1:00-5:00 pm, and on Monday, July 3rd, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. The camp is for third graders through incoming 9th graders and will focus on skills and fundamentals. Anyone interested, please see Coach Easterday in room E123.