Natalie Rebetsky
Allan Musselman, a former LHS graduate, hurries to get the snow plowed early Monday morning before students arrive after having a two hour delay.
On Saturday February 21st Frederick County woke to the start of what became to be the biggest snow storm we have had this season. A total of 9 ½ inches of snow had fallen by the end of the day, which caused stores in Mt. Airy and New Market remain closed or to close early.
Luckily for schools, this was a weekend; although, competitions and events were cancelled. Snow plows were busy all weekend scurrying around to get the roads and sidewalks clear, safe and ready for students to get to school on Monday morning.
Frederick County schools had a 2-hour delay on Monday due to the ice from the melted snow freezing overnight. Early Monday morning Musselman Excavating was called in to get the parking lot clear for the day. Allan Musselman, a graduate of Linganore, was the man on the job.
Musselman Excavating is a family buisness that was founded in 1983 by Earl Musselman.
Duane Musselman, another employee said the Linganore parking lot only took between 15 and 20 minutes to cleaned up, but the company is in charge of plowing nine Frederick County schools.