Linganore High School students and staff are committed to keeping teens safe on the road. They are asking everyone 14 and older to go to www.celebratemydrive.com every day until October 24 to make a safe driving committment.
According to State Farm, sponsor of Celebrate My Drive, the program takes a different approach to a leading public health risk. Car crashes are the number one killer of teens, and a teen’s first year on the road is the most dangerous. Using research as a guide, State Farm is approaching teen driver safety, a winnable public health battle, by engaging teens while they learn to drive in a supportive and positive way.
For each commitment (‘vote’) that is made, Linganore is one step closer to winning the grand prize of $100,000 and a concert by The Band Perry.
Our school can only win with your help. Go to www.CelebrateMyDrive.com and commit every day until October 24th. You can vote once a day for every email address that you own. Be sure to share this link on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook every day, and tell your friends and family about this opportunity.