Help FCPS Protect the Promise.
All all Frederick County citizens are invited to a special event at Oakdale High School tonight. Superintendent Dr. Terry Alban will deliver an important message regarding the future of education in Frederick County as she presents her proposed budget for the 2014-2015 school year. To show support for her efforts, the Lancer Marching Band will be one of several school groups performing at the event. Click here to read more about the event.
Sports news:
Congratulations to the Lancer Wrestling Team who defeated South Hagerstown with a score of 51 – 18.
JV Boys Basketball beat Middletown 52-44! Great job boys!
The Unified Bocce Ball team will have practice from 2:30-3:00 p.m. today.
Spring Semester Schedule Information
The spring semester/third term starts on Tuesday, January 14. Students will report to their Advisement classroom at 7:30 am to receive a copy of their spring semester schedule before all are dismissed to move to their first period class for the third term. Students who did not attend Advisement during the first semester and those who are new to LHS should report to the Student Services office by 7:30 am that morning.
Any student who is requesting a scheduling change for review prior to the start of the spring semester must submit a schedule change request form by 7:30 am this Friday, January 10. These requests will be reviewed prior to the start of the spring semester.
Schedule change forms will be accepted again starting at 7:15 am on Thursday, January 16, through 2:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21.
The schedule change request form can be accessed by clicking here.
Our Mock Trial Team is gearing up for their season starting next week.
This year’s case is about a Senior Lacrosse Captain from Frostburg who attended a concert and participated in the mosh pit and crowd surfing. The plaintiff, Chris Walken Williams, left the concert a quadriplegic and is suing the venue for negligence, though the accounts vary as to what exactly happened. The trials are held on Tuesdays at the Frederick County Courthouse and begin promptly at 5:00pm. If you would like to attend, you MUST be in the courthouse before 5:00pm to get through security. The building is locked at 5:00 and no one is allowed in after that point. The trials are held on the 3rd floor in the District Courtrooms. See Ms. Smith for more details!!!
Mr. Linganore candidates wanted!
Wanted: Candidates for King of Linganore! The 16th annual Mr. Linganore contest is beginning. Applications are available to interested senior boys. Completed applications are due Friday, January 17. See Mr. Brown or Mrs. Rebetsky for your application.
Many members of the NHS donated new and gently used blankets and sleeping bags to the Frederick Advocates for the homeless.
Also, due to your generous donations, the NHS raised $1631.00 with their Blood Drop Drive for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Because of this large donation, Linganore High School will be official sponsors for Team in Training Maryland. Our logo will appear on this year’s Team in Training Shirts! Soon you will see the blood drops that were purchased displayed on the cafeteria walls!
Quartermania will be held on January 17th.
There are many prizes! Read more.
The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases is now accepting applications for their internships.
This opportunity is similar to the National Cancer Institute internship program at Ft. Detrick, but it requires a separate paper application. Juniors are encouraged to apply for both programs. Applications are due to C103 by January 17…See Mr. Brown or Ms. Radil-Harris in C103 or ask any science teacher for more information.
The Safe and Sane committee has several upcoming events in January:
There will be a Safe and Sane meeting on Monday, January 13, at 7:30 pm in the media center. This and our February meeting are two of our most important meetings of the year. Please join us to help insure a very successful Safe and Sane event this year.
The LHS Alumni is hosting a restaurant fundraiser at Quickfire in Mt. Airy to support the LHS Safe & Sane program. Please join us between 5-9pm on Tuesday, January 14, and mention that you are there to support LHS Safe & Sane.
Lastly, the first deadline for registration is on January 17! The current registration fee is $30 with two extra chances to win the car, so register now! After January 17, the registration fee goes up to $40 with only one extra chance to win the car.
The Community Foundation of Frederick County offers a variety of scholarships to Frederick County high school graduates.
Get more information about the scholarships here.
Portions of today’s news was originally published on LHS Find Out First emails.