Wednesday was the club signup day for LHS students. At lunch, students could sign up for clubs and activities that occur in Fall 2013. They had the opportunity to tour displays of the clubs.
The following clubs are being offered in Fall 2013:
Academic Team, Advisor Mr. Hahn. Meets after School.
Amnesty International. Advisor Ms. Freimuth. Meets in period 3.
Animals 101. Advisor Mrs. Burdall. Meets in period 2.
Anime Club. Advisor Ms. Thompson. Meets in period 1.
ASL Club. Advisor Mrs. Davies. No meeting time set yet.
Book club. Advisor Ms. Thompson. Meets in period 2.
Class of 2014. Advisors Ms. Bergstralh and Mr. Brown. Meets in period 4.
Class of 2015. Advisors Ms. Hendi and Mrs. Hirschy. Meets in period 4.
Class of 2016. Advisor Mrs. Rebetsky. Meetis in period 4.
Class of 2017. Advisor Mr. Hines. Meets in period 2.
Creative Writing Club. Advisor Mrs. Sands. Meets in period 2.
Drama Club. Advisor Mr. Lazarus. Meets in period 2.
Economics Club (Fed Challenge). Advisor Mr. Beaver. Meets in period 3.
Engineering/Robotics Club. Advisor Mr. Bergeron. Meets in Period 1.
Equestrian Team. Advisors Mrs. Blair and Ms. Cafarelli. Meets in period 4.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Advisors Mrs. Purgason, Mrs. McKenzie, and Ms. Becker. Meets in period 3.
FFA. Advisors Mrs. Beahy and Mr. Hawthorne. Meets in period 2.
French Club/French Honor Society. Advisor Mrs. Blonder. Meets in period 4.
Future Educators of America (FEA). No advisor or meeting times yet.
Game board club. Advisor Mr. Stair. Meets in Period 3.
GSA. Advisor Mrs. Dillon. Meets in period 1.
Hackey Sack Club. Advisor Ms. Cassidy. Meets in period 4.
Harry Potter Alliance. Advisor Ms. Thompson. Meets in period 3.
Ice Hockey Club Team. Advisor Ms. Ericsson. Meets after school.
Key Club (service). Advisor Mr. Brown. Meets in period 3.
Lancer Media. Advisor Mrs. Rebetsky. Meets after school.
Latin Club/National Latin Honor Society. Advisor Mrs. Carter. Meets in period 3.
Men’s Acapella Club. Advisor Mr. Dye. Meets after scho0l.
Men’s Society. Advisor Mr. Lazarus. Meets after school.
Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society.) Advisor Mrs. Purgason. Meets after school.
Mock Trial Team. Advisor Mrs. Smith. Meets in period 1.
National Art Honor Society. Advisor Ms. Geisser. Meets in period 1.
National English Honor Society. Advisor Mrs. Rebetsky. Meets after school.
National Honor Society. Advisor Mrs. Sands and Mr. Lake. Meets after school.
National Spanish Honor Society. Advisor Mrs. Doughty. Meets in period 3.
Pay it Forward. Advisor Ms. Servey. Meets in period 1.
Pom and Dance Team. Advisor Mrs. Richardson. Meets period 1.
Project Triple S. Advisor Ms. Emery. No meeting time scheduled yet.
Rho Kappa (Social Studies Honor Society.) Advisor Mr. Burch. Meets in period 2.
Science National Honor Society. Advisor Mr. Sunkel. Meets in period 2.
Ski and Snowboard Club. Advisor Mr. Brown. Meets after school.
Student Government Association. (SGA.) Advisor Mr. Brown. Meets in period 1.
Travel Club. Advisor Mrs. Murphy. Meets in period 4.
Tri-M Music Honor Society. Advisor Mr. Lloyd. Meets after school.
Students must be in good academic standing to participate in any club/activity program. Clubs are held during the second half of each period on club day. No test, quizzes, or new materials should be introduced during the club time. Teachers may keep a student in class if the student is not doing well in that class.