The annual holiday concert was held at Linganore on Thursday, December 12th. Merry TubaChristmas, the Percussion Ensemble, the Concert Choir, and the Concert Band performed. The performing arts department thanks the teachers, administrators, and staff at LHS for their ongoing support of the performing arts. They also give special thanks to the parents and community volunteers who give their time, resources, and expertise so the students can have their experiences.
The Lance recorded the live performance. It is available on SoundCloud at https://soundcloud.com/lhslancermedia/sets/holiday-concert
Alternatively, the performance is available for download in one mp3 file at yourlisten.com/player/director/17053252.mp3 (if you cannot download the file, right click the link and click “save target link as…”)
The performance order of the songs was:
O Christmas Tree, arr. Wilder
Sleep, O Holy Child of Mine, arr. Wilder
We wish you a merry Christmas, arr. Wilder
The Friendly Beasts- A Medieval French Carol
Good King Wenceslas, Piae Cantiones
Christmas Time is Here, Vince Guaraldi, arr. Chris Brooks
I Saw Three Ships, arr. Lloyd Larson
He Watching Over Israel From Elijah, Felix Mendelssohn/arr. Hal H. Hopson
Christmas a la Fa La La, Jay Althouse
The Road Not Taken, Andrea Klouse/Words by Robert Frost
Bidi Bom, David Eddleman
Carol of the Bells, M. Leontovich/arr. Peter J. Wilhousky
On This Still Silent Night, Laura Farnell
Riu, Riu, Chiu, Linda Spevacek
Rise Up Shepherd, and Follow, arr. Kirby Shaw
I Saw Three Ships, Traditional, arr. Jeffrey Taylor
Sleigh Ride, Leroy Anderson, arr. Ployhar
A Christmas Festival, Leroy Anderson
White Christmas, Irving Berlin
Merry Tuba Christmas, The Percussion Ensembles and Concert Band are under the direction of Mr. Kevin Lloyd. The Concert Choir is under the direction of Mr. Damon Dye.