Oh, the places you’ll go: Barbagallo and Green make big plans for their summer before FCC

Emily Barbagallo and Courtney Green will be studying at Frederick Community College this fall.

The girls agreed that FCC was a smarter financial plan for their futures.

“I made this deal with my parents that if I went to FCC, I would get a new car. Financially, I think that having a car for college and no student debt is great,” said Barbagallo.

This summer, they both plan to take a trip to Europe together. “I’ve been waiting to travel to Europe with Courtney for so long.”

Barbagallo plans to attend medical school after FCC. She said, “I want to be the best doctor I can so I can help a lot of people.”

Green looks forward to furthering her education and determining her future plans.”I hope to travel a lot in the future.”

Both girls thanked their families for all their support in their high school careers.

“My mom has made me the best I can be,” said Barbagallo. “I’d also like to thank my brothers. Even though we don’t get along all the time, they’re my biggest supporters.”

Green said, “My parents have prepared me for my future. I would like to thank them for always being there for my and supporting me.”

Lancer Media is covering where members of the Class of 2017 will be heading next year. This year’s theme is “Oh the Places You’ll Go.” If you would like to be featured, come to room C203.