A “Lion” of a tale from India deserves to win the Oscar

While watching the movie one thought kept running through my mind, what would I do if I was in the situation that Saroo was in?

Lion is about a 5-year-old boy, Saroo, who lives in Ganesh Talai, India. Saroo looks up to his big brother, Guddu, and wants to do everything he does.

One day Saroo convinces Guddu to let him go to work with him. Guddu works the night shift and Saroo is very sleepy and Gudda leaves Saroon on a train bench so he could sleep. Once Saroo wakes up, he realizes his brother was gone and he climbs in an empty train.

The rest of the movie shows Saroo’s journey all over India and how he is adopted by a family in Australia. Now as an adult, he tries to find his way home.

He wants to tell his mother that he is fine.

The part that made me cry was the fact that is was a true story. For that, this film deserves The Best Picture Oscar.

The film is based on the bestseller, A Long Way Home.

Lion was released in January 2017, and, since then, the film has won 28 awards and 64 nominations.

The actors are amazing. Sunny Pawar who plays five-year-old Saroo is a huggable, loveable orphan.

My two favorite scenes are when a woman takes him in her home and gives him a soda, and the two new friends start laughing and burping. It just makes me feel happy for the first time while watching the movie.

My other favorite scene is when Saroo was adopted and he sees his mom crying. He wipes away her tears and hugs her.

That scene just put a stake through my heart. It made me fall in love with little Saroo.

The beginning of the movie takes place in different parts of India, and it baffles me on how bystanders treat him. When he would scream, “Save me,” the people would just look at him and carry on with their day.

Well, I guess that’s how we all behave.

Dev Patel who played older Saroo was amazing. Patel starred in The Last Airbender and The Man who Knew Infinity.

According to IMDB Dev Patel spent eight months preparing for the film. He visited Sacroo’s orphanage in India. He even took the same train ride that Sacroo too when he was five. While on the train, he kept a diary so he would have specific references.

One thing that caught me off guard was the fact that the film is in three different languages. The first part is in Hindi, then Bengali, and the last part of the film is in English.

I thought adding the different languages was a very neat aspect to the film.

The last 30 minutes are my favorite, but I do not want to spoil anything. All I will say is that I am not a big crier, and the film made me cry tears of joy.

The last little speech at the end of the film said that Saroo had been pronouncing his name wrong. Really his name was Sheru which means lion. Hints the reason why the film is called Lion.

I learned that over 80,000 children go missing each year, and 11 million are homeless.

A collaboration between the production companies of this film, See-Saw Films and The Weinstein Company and The Charity Network created a foundation call Lion Film Children’s Fund.

This foundation will provide financial support to over 11 million children who live on the streets of India.

It might not seem like your typical Oscar movie, but it sure made me want to watch it again.

I hope it wins Best Picture because it deserves it.