Inktober Drawing challenge improves artwork

Art by Ethan DeBoard

Art by Ethan DeBoard

by Nicole Muller, Reporter

It takes most artists hours to complete a good, detailed piece. What if they had only one day?

Artists across the globe are up to the challenge. In the month-long “art-athon” called Inktober, the artist is challenged to complete one drawing in ink per day that follows the daily one-word prompt.

As a participant of the Inktober drawing challenge, I discovered that finding time to draw each piece was difficult, and I quickly fell behind. Other participants had similar struggles.

“I wanted to join the Inktober challenge myself to finish my artwork,” said Emily Seth, Class of 2019. “Finding time to make each piece was difficult because it is marching band season.”

Art by Emily Seth
Art by Emily Seth

Even though time is tight when it comes to completing an art piece, artists believe that the practice is worth it.

“I believe that taking part in Inktober will continue to improve my artwork. Each day I practice new inking techniques that will positively influence my future artwork.” said Spencer Derrenberger, Class of 2019. “I did get behind schedule though. Also, I ran out of ink several times, which was a major issue.”

Art by Spencer Derrenberger
Art by Spencer Derrenberger

People who don’t consider themselves artists still have a great time taking part in Inktober.

“A friend told me about Inktober and I decided that it might be fun to take part in,” said Savannah Sitler, Class of 2019. “The practice I will get from taking part in this will improve my art dramatically. It has already improved in just a few days.”

Art by Savannah Sitler.
Art by Savannah Sitler.

Participants agree – practice makes perfect!

“It’s just science. The more you repeat an action the better at it you become. Same goes with sports and similar things,” said Beau Cameron, Class of 2019.

“Recent data have been showing that the brain continues to change over the course of our lives. Cells grow. They form connections with new cells. Some stop talking to others.”

Think you’re up to the challenge? Worried that you won’t have the time to do it all? Take the half marathon path and do every other day. Can’t wait until next year? Look into Inkvember! Instead of happening in October, it takes place over November!